
Hack ships by staying inside the green circle for 5 seconds. Destroying guns will prevent that gun from shooting, and destroying thrusters will reduce the ship's overall maneuverability.


WASD or arrow keys to move
hold Space to fire front-facing weapons
hold left mouse to fire turret-mounted weapons (introduced later)
escape to pause


You are an AI controlling a spacecraft right off the factory lines. Unfortunately for you, that spaceship is rather small. You don't like being small. In a stroke of luck, a larger spaceship is about to warp into your system, and you think you can hack into it and claim yourself a new, bigger body. Now repeat the process a few times and you might get big enough to be satisfied.


If you feel like your firepower is inadequate, make sure you're HOLDING space/left click instead of rapidly clicking/pressing. Rapid-clicking will result in only one of your weapons firing instead of all of them.

I recommend only reading the following strategies if you can't figure the fights out yourself, but if you want help, it's here.

1st battle strategies

Stay away from the front of the enemy ship. The 12 guns there will quickly take you out, and destroying those guns won't help you hack it.

Try to destroy the turrets defending the rear of the ship before going into the green circle to hack it

Destroying the thrusters at the rear of the ship will reduce its maneuverability, making it easier to aim at the turrets

2nd battle strategies

You can shoot down the missiles the enemy launches at you

Try destroying the turrets first

You will need to shoot through the gaps to hit the thrusters at the back of the enemy ship in order to reduce it's maneuverability enough to reach the hacking zone

Try flying in a circle around the enemy ship. If you're flying directly towards the left wing, the turrets on the right wing will be unable to hit you.

Assets Used

- background - ansimuz
- ships+vfx - Skorpio (the starting and final ships I put together using pieces from this set, the second ship was used unchanged)
- warp animation - Skorpio

Sound Effects
- assorted sounds - rubberDuck
- assorted sounds - Kenney
- assorted sounds - Little Robot Sound Factory
- an explosion - Joth
- warp sound - Arthur

- main menu - maxstack
- 1st battle - Matthew Pablo
- 2nd battle - Matthew Pablo

Published 25 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Tags2D, combat, Space


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Fun concept. Wish there was more than 2 levels!

Thank you! Alas, game jam time limits be game jam time limits.